

Fit TV Network is excited to present the return of the "Babes & Biceps" women's arm- wrestling contest! This fun and unique event will take place once again, and at the Los Angeles convention center during the Fit Expo on the attendee stage at 1pm! Registration is FREE and open to all women and fitness levels (sorry fella's, it's a women's contest). Contestants will be competing for a cash, products from participating sponsors and bragging rights to be the "Babes & Biceps" champion! Spaces are limited so, register for your spot now!
Read the contest rules and sign up below.
All contestants must be 18yrs of age or older.
All contestants must arrive at the contest stage 15min prior to competition start time.
All contestants must sign a liability waiver.
During each round, contestants must both agree on using the same arm. If the contestants can't agree, then the judges will decide on your behalf at random.
Online registration closes on Saturday, January 14th, 2023. If spots are still available you may sign up only at the Fit Tv Network booth #1416 at the Los Angeles Fit Expo on Saturday, Saturday, January 14th, 2023, until 12pm PST.
Competitors will have their opponents selected through a random name drawing by our judges.
The competition will consist of 3 rounds, preliminary, Semifinals and the finals.
Preliminary Round - All contestants will compete against each other to advance to the semifinals. The number of contestants that will advance to the next round will be based upon those that win against their opponent.
Semi Finals - The winning contestants from the previous round will compete against each other to advance to the finals. The two contestants that beat their opponents in the least amount of time will automatically advance to the final round.
Final Round - The last two contestants will compete for the grand prize of cash, swag from participating sponsors and bragging rights for being the "Babes & Biceps" champ!
In the event, that there is a draw due to time restraints then a winner will be chosen by the judges based on overall performance.

Social media influencers battling it out for charity.
Witness youtube stars "Kenny K.O." vs "Viktor Drago" in a 6 round boxing exhibition, hosted by Boxhaus in Brentwood, CA.
Saturday, May 1st, 2021
Doors open @ 4pm
Tickets $20
View exclusively on FIT TV NETWORK.
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Everything starts with ONE!
One thought, one experience, one idea, one smile, one meal, one hug, one call, one dollar or one person.
You have the power to change someone’s life -
start today!
"Starts With One Today" is a non-profit based out of Los Angeles. Our VISION is to change and impact 1 million lives - but we cannot do it alone. We focus on the individual because we believe if you can't feed a hundred people, feed just one. If one look can start a friendship, one word can end a fight, one smile can save a relationship then one person can change someone’s life. We may not change the whole world but even if we only change one life that is enough. Our MISSION is to install COMPASSION and EMPATHY into the world by being a voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Whether that is children, adults, teens or animals. No matter if it’s a dog from The Asian meat trade, you are walking the street as a homeless in Skidrow or an inmate, your story is important and needs to be heard by the world. If a hundred men were drowning and you could only save one, would you walk away?

The ANGEL CITY HEROES invade Legion Sports Festival in Long Beach, CA on Saturday, Nov 9th and bring you the "SUPERHERO CHALLENGE".
Ever wonder what its like to train like a superhero? Do you think you've got what it takes? Then, take your shot and battle through our mini obstacle course workout with 6 challenging drills!
FIT TV NETWORK booth #403 at the Legion Sports Festival on Saturday, Nov 9th from 12pm - 2pm at the Long Beach Convention Center in Long Beach, CA
Contestants must complete all 6 drills correctly and compete for the best time. The contestant with the best time will take home an awesome swag bag full of products from sponsors up to a $200 value! The top 10 contestants to complete the challenge with the best time will automatically, be entered into a drawing for a chance to WIN $100! The winner will be selected at random and announced on the FIT TV NETWORK YouTube page. The Top 10 contestansts entered into the drawing must be subscribed to FIT TV NETWORK on YouTube in order to be eligable.

CONGRATULATIONS to our very first BABES & BICEPS Champion, Ashley Alaura!
On Sunday, June 2nd, Ashley Alaura, beat out 15 other strong and beautiful women at the Anaheim Fit Expo, to take home the coveted Fit Tv Network "Babes & Biceps" championship title, $300 cash and product from co-sponsor "Elixicure".The contest was exciting, fun and definitely, something to remember!

Fit TV Network presents "Babes & Biceps" women's arm wrestling contest, sponsored by Elixicure. The fun and unique event will take place at the Anaheim convention center during the Anaheim Fit Expo on their competition stage at 12:30pm. Registration is free and open to all women and fitness levels (sorry fella's, its a women's contest). Contestants will be competing for a cash prize of $300 , swag from participating sponsors and bragging rights to be the first "Babes & Biceps" champion! Spaces are limited so, register for your spot now!
Read the contest rules and sign up below.